Laboratoire EffiNov, personalised health solutions


Since our creation in 2010 in Lorient in Brittany, we continue to innovate and differentiate ourselves in the field of health through nutrition. The EffiNov Nutrition Laboratory is working on a fundamental revolution to bring a better knowledge of each individual’s physiological and dietary needs for a better responsibility for his health and that of others. We place the individual at the heart of our concerns by proposing a global (complete) and personalized approach to the situation and needs of each individual taking into account its specificities through : our nutritional analysis tool (EFFINUT) and our product range (EFFINOV).

LOGO EffiNov EffiNut

This innovative approach also allowed us to be rewarded during the National Competition for Innovative Companies organized by the Ministry of Research and Higher Education. We are currently the only Micronutrition laboratory among more than 400 to have obtained this recognition.

Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche


2010Year of creation of the Laboratory
2011Partner of the CNAO (National Collective of Obese Associations)
2012Launch of the personalized EffiNut nutritional assessment
2015Acquisition of Laboratoire Nutrialys: expert in medical nutrition with 20 years of research in the field of polyamines
2016Obtaining a patent on the benefit of supplementation with reduced polyamine content in nutritional support in Cancerology (Castase) and pain management (Polydol). Products Reimbursed by Social Security on medical prescription.
2017 Launch of our international development
2018 - 2020Continuing our strong evolution with new partners in our Micronutrition range
2021Launch of environmentally friendly packaging in PLA : pill boxes made from biodegradable plant material (corn or sugar cane).
2022EffiNov Nutrition Laboratory joins the group Dewavrin Cosmetics

DEWAVRIN Cosmetics

2023Developing the range in the Beauty and Skin segment (Dermae Expert)
2024Opening up new international markets (Latvia, Morocco, etc.)


Nos engagements qu quotidien

(1) More than 70% of our products are made in Brittany / Pays de la Loire. (2) Our products in pill boxes gradually pass into PLA (Polylactic Acid) packaging: plant material from corn or sugar cane that is biodegradable and/or compostable.


A French Laboratory based in Brittany on a Human Scale, a Team of Nutrition Passionate, Motivated & totally Committed to its Clients & Partners

Equipe du Laboratoire EffiNov 2025

Tree Values


Because we believe that health is the most precious good of each of us
Because we believe that the best way to take care of it is based on an approach: preventive, natural, personalized and perfectly adapted to the specific needs of each
Because we believe that this approach must be integrated in a respectful, sustainable and respectful way.
We work tirelessly to develop micronutrition solutions, at the crossroads between nutrition and medicine and which allow the body to revive its own metabolic processes conducive to optimal health through a global and integrative approach to health.
Logo Effinov Gamme

EffiNov is a range of food supplements, dietary products and functional foods developed by the laboratory from ingredients selected for their quick felt effectiveness thanks to the choice of highly bioavailable active ingredients, origin and their excellent digestive tolerance which is very important, especially considering athletes. EffiNov products have been formulated to effectively manage nutritional deficits. We favor ingredients of natural origin and physiological dosages.

EffiNov products range

Range of daily micronutritional support : 

• Essential nutrients => ensure proper cellular function to optimize health and vitality on a daily basis.

• Digestive balance => optimize digestive balance : intestinal comfort, detoxification, digestion.

• Nervous balance => optimize relaxation and reduce the effects of stress.

• Metabolic balance => maintain good carbohydrate metabolism, drainage, weight loss.

• Cellular balance => optimize joint comfort, reduce inflammation.

• Circulatory balance => maintain good venous AND lymphatic circulation so ensuring daily complete circulatory comfort.

Range of specific micronutritional support :

• Women => optimize female balance : female comfort (pre-menstrual syndrome, menopause, skin health), hormonal balance (cycle disorders, painful periods)

• Maternity => optimize the micronutritional status of pregnant and postpartum women through a trimester appropriate approach, high bioavailability of ingredients and very clear and logical protocols.

• Child => quality food supplements, specially formulated to meet Children's micronutrient needs (vitality, immunity and emotional balance)

Logo Effinov Sport

An innovative approach to sports nutrition (Before, During and After exercise), physiological dosages and optimal digestive comfort, guaranteed anti-doping products (SPORT Protect labellisation).

Label antidopage SPORT Protect

We also offer dietary foods suitable for all (seniors, gluten or milk intolerant, etc.) that are also suitable for specific needs of athletes by combining taste pleasure and nutritional quality.


Logo Effinut


EFFINUT is a comprehensive analysis tool that allows a person to identify his own deficits or risks (taking into account his genetic factors, his environment, his lifestyle, his diet...) and provide him with a personalized response and food advice adapted to his situation. 

The results of the Effinut assessment also allow the person to have advice on dietary supplements that would be the most appropriate to help him solve the health problems he may encounter